Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"Not this old fanny again?
In 1997 Labour inherited debt that was far higher than we had pre-2008 financial crisis.
Similarly, this government has borrowed more in 5 years than Labour did in 13. In fact this coalition government has borrowed more than ANY previous government. And just like the previous tory administration, the money was borrowed to fund welfare and tax breaks for the rich. A price worth paying?
In 1997 Labour inherited an NHS on the brink of collapse, with patients warehoused in corridors. This bunch have gone one better, patients don't even make the corridor, they're being warehoused in ambulances in the car parks. Give them another five years and we'll all be dying at home.
It was a similar situation in education. Overcrowded classes being taught in "temporary" classrooms or decrepit buildings. A situation that the tories are taking us back to in only five years.
Looks like you've really swallowed the tory rhetoric'"
Ah, here we go, the usual tripe.
Pre 2008? You and the usual apologists trying to erase the depression that Balls, Brown and Wallace presided over, tell that to the million who lost their jobs.
Tax breaks for the rich? I'm not rich and I've never been better off.
I'd rather die at home than at Midstaffs. Still, you want to privatise the NHS, you keep forgetting about this little fact, as you whine on and on and on. Just why did you vote to sell off the NHS to Tory "chums"? Try answering without, "i'm spineless".
And yet schools are being built all over, and were in the terrible 80's, I know, I went to one of them. You should have tried it.