Ok guys, we went around Wakey last Night for Clarke's Birthday, was a great night, we all got a little worse for wear especially Kempy

We started at the Black swan in Normy, then got taxi to wakey, to start the Westgate run

at the start we were all fine, played a bit of pool, played guess who on game box lol, the the further up we got we the more drunk we all got lol.
Oh, and I was the only one not to get ID'd at one place
Can I just say, I was not drunk when I fell into the DJ booth lol, I just honestly thought it was a wall hehe.
Met Ian hendo n jamie langley, Langley was a little worse for wear n was saying summat like " first we'll smash wigan n then we're gonna go smash saints - yeah" hehe.
Oh and Langley - It's a perm, not a perm haha !
Quest was fun but how much were the drinks? :O £2.30 for some water, haha n Kempy wanted a smirnoff but they wanted £3.80 so he said no, then Clarke came along, i'll have a smirnoff please, the bar man went to give him kempy's old one, so eggy wanted to be awkward and say, actually i'll have a blue one. Nice one eggy hehe.
All in all a great night, hope you had a great Birthday
Anyway, here's the pics