Quote Saddened!="Saddened!":SHIFTY:
Noel Cleal is a goon?'"
Bit of a typo there. What I was trying to say was I hope Maguire doesnt use his Melbourne connections to convince him to become a Pie.
Maybe it wasn't a typo may it was subconscious?!?! I knew going to the WCC in the hospitality was a bad idea. Hangers on like Gregory, Gildart, Lucas and Clark floating about. I had to have a shower with some ajax and a brillo pad when I got home. It looks like it may have left long term damage!!!
Next thing I will be hovering out with 20 mins to go and only sing one chant. Eak!!!
Someone call me a Priest. The power of Christ compels you!!!! The power of Christ compels you!!!!