Searle is still suggesting a return to profitability for this year and next, tho I suspect he's referring to the football operations which, considering attendance trend and players the club are supposed to be chasing for 2013 does seem a tad optimistic.
Quote the club in its current format is a liability for the game and the ARLC needs to resolve it either by new ownership of the titans or a new club altogether free of the burden of the property development debts'"

maybe the ARLC or QLDRL could buy the centre of excellence lol. Srly, maybe aid the disposal of the property arm in exchange for seats on the board and a say in the management of the club?
How much are the afl spending in support of the suns? Is the Gold Coast important enough to get some extra support now in order to guarantee pro rugby on the GC..
You'd have to ask Gutts about the dangers that another rebranding of the club would bring.
Iv read lots of comments about Skilled Park...some seem to think the tits have been touched up [size=50s[/size by the deal to play there...Maybe its time ppl started talking about relocating the club, see it if focususss(sp) the minds of the stadiums owners to re assess the deal.
Not much point in having a shiney Stadium if theres no one to play in it and I hear central QLD would really like an NRL club...