Quote Dunbar="Dunbar"Again, I am really keen to understand not just that you do think this but also why you feel like it. Not to abuse you but to understand it because (as I have stated above), my feelings for England RL are the same as GB RL and I am passionate about both'"
And I feel more passionate about England than I do about GB. I feel England is a better "brand" in sport than "GB". That doesn't necessarily mean I think that "England RL" is a better brand than "GB RL", because obviously at this stage it won't be. People seem to forget that something new replacing something old is very rarely going to be instantly better. The point is that it has a lot more potential. And it does. The home nations being separate have a ton more of potential than GB ever will simply because there are four teams compared to one.
Even if the result is England are just as competitive as GB were (which they are, GB was England anyway), the fact that there is a Wales, a Scotland and an Ireland means we have more chance to expand, more teams to play without relying on expensive Pacific Island travel, etc.
To me, the only logical reason to want to keep GB is tradition and it being a stronger brand NOW. That is fine, and if you refuse to see any potential benefits from the change then that is your choice and your opinion.
But to refuse to support your national team? It's just stubbornness for the sake of it IMO. It's not going to make a difference. There are many people that would rather support England, and many people that never supported a GB team to cancel you out.
All other reasons (this foreigner rubbish, the stealing of "Scots", "Irish" and "Welsh" players that let's be honest never were "Scottish", "Welsh" or "Irish") are just clutching at straws for backing up what essentially is just a personal preference rather than a logical reason.
The only thing I dislike about "England RL" is that the logo is rubbish and the kit is ever changing. It needs a more attractive logo and a kit that has a design that can be stuck to and only altered slightly for commercial gain, not changed completely every year (there is another kit coming out this year BTW for those of you that don't know!). But I don't think that is a logical reason to not support them! Jesus Christ, how many fans would Wigan have lost over the years if this was a logical reason!