Quote DallasMead2="DallasMead2"Wow indeed….he may want to think about the 129,000 who have died of this horrible disease in the last 18 months!'"
here is something that maybe puts your quoted figures into context. Th freedom of information act 2000 is a wonderful source to cut through all the lying bull crap and spin.
Corporate Governance Department
Our Ref: FOI 060421
Legal Services Division
Date: 22 April 2021
Freedom of Information Team
3 Priestley Wharf
Holt Street
B7 4BN
Tel: 0121 466 7293
Dear Vincent Santiago
Re: Freedom of Information Request
I refer to your request for information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the
Act”) dated 3 April 2021.
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (“the Trust”) can advise that we do
hold the information that you have requested. The Trust’s response is:
1. How many people have died in your hospitals from covid 19 and only due to covid 19? I
have seen the figures you publish online, but these are deaths within 28 days of a positive
covid test, so they could have died from other causes. I just want to know the exact figures
=#FF00401st February 2020 to 3rd April 2021 for death due to covid 19 alone.
There have been 79 deaths with covid.
There have been
=#FF00BF2 deaths from covid alone.
2. The Number and Percentage of people with ‘underlying health conditions’ in the overall
79 and 97.53%
3. The Number and Percentage of those without ‘underlying health conditions’.
2 and 2.47% respectively.
It is confirmed that as the information has been provided, this request is now closed.
For future reference, the Trust’s publication scheme and details of the services that we provide
can be found on our website:
www.bhamcommunity.nhs.uk. "
Make of that what you will.