On a different note I know for a FACT ade gardner is coming. Sorry if this is old news but not been on here in a while. Lost my old username and login

don't know how impressed I was with him this year but he is surely going to be more power to our proverbial elbow
Anyhow's this isn't rumour or "gossip" or a post to "string you all along" he's signed and thats it.
PS to all of you who complained or moaned about Smithy's post's and how he's been having a right laugh at us all. If you weren't a believer or thought he was talking rubbish you shouldn't have given him the satisfaction of the childish attention he craved so much by replying to his post's. That way I feel his billy b*ll*cks would have tired some time ago. (don't forget some people get bored have a very small social circle, or simply lock themselves away and don't leave the house like outcast's so he cant be blamed entirely)