Ok just got back from a great weekend in Toulouse They are shoe ins for a franchise next time(location skill factor set up...did you see the sponsers list on the hand out it covered a full page?? Commercial manager take note!!!) Really really great set up and....PROFESSIONAL!!!
Right i have posted a few times on this board so far and have been as guilty as lots at slating players, passion, skill etc etc....
BUT that all changed in the time spent speaking with the players in the melting pot on friday before the game(AND NO none of them drank and when kelly said lets go they left as one)....
Shocked amazed astounded at being told 3 x one hour training sessions a week?? and not on the LSV??? How on earth can we play against full time teams with that in place?? Halifax Widnes Gateshead Barrow toulouse all full time and will be for next threes seasons getting stronger and stronger as we get weaker and weaker...People keep saying buliding for the future there is no future if we cant compete?? I genuinley feel sorry for the players who are being short changed by the mangement of the club....
Now before the i love Arthur Thomas Alan Rowley all directors and wheres your money why dont you cough up(well close to thousand pounds already this year in my case in support ...i dont think thats bad???) A decision has to be made?????
If a) they wont put money in or b) havnt got the money then facts is facts sell it put it up for sale?? if no one comes in then so be it BUT and its a BIG BUT RFL wants Championship to be proffesional and if we cant get the backers that the 5 mentioned above have got we really have got no where to go......I am really really fearful for the future and can we stop using the Leigh buzzword "building for the future"" i have heard that for the last 30 years of supporting Leigh...
Sorry for such a dour post but am really worried about the club i love!!!!!
C`mon lottery let me win the dosh to make a differance!!!!!
Also...the LSV worries me i dont think we are wanted there does anyone else feel that because the players i spoke to certanly did...again worrying