who has been your top 3 players this season then - i am presuming that with only a few weeks to go there isn't going to be anyone else comin to the fore so here's mine, feel free to disagree/agree... ...fill yer boots .
1. Larne Patrick - his progression this year has been awesome and he is beginning to turn into a bloody good player, he's a joy to watch in full flight and cant half shift. We've struggled with our props this year but thank god we have had this lad to carry us forward - i am looking forward to watching him develop into one of England's best !!
2. Kevin Brown - easy to see why our season fell apart last year when he got injured - our main playmaker this year and he's getting better and better all the time, most of the good bum-raising stuff we do comes through this fella
3. David Hodgson - this guy's finishing is awesome and he does it time and time again - i dont care how flash or fancy he isn't, he's paid to score tries and does it - lots of times !! cant believe i still here people saying we should get rid of him cos he does nothing