Quote twosevenzero="twosevenzero"Good point, but lets be positive and consider the problems Ainscough can cause King when he has ball in hand, he's quick and elusive and King isn't the worlds best at tackling !!!
I know what you mean and being negative and worrying about what the opposition can do to you too much was something I wanted England to stay clear off in the four nations last year.
I kept saying to put Eastmond up against Inglis because he was the only player we had who could play centre and cause Inglis as many problems attacking wise as Inglis would to him. That way you can tire the player out and lessen his impact when he does have the ball.
I'd still cack myself everytime a high kick went up between Ainscough and King though
I suppose we should also consider the fact that Richards would come up against Riley if kept on the left. Who's to say he wouldn't do more damage to Riley then King would do to Ainscough.
Sod it lets be positive