Quote mattmanche5ter="mattmanche5ter"
slightly o/t-best drop goal
Joe lydon's long range kick in the semi final at main road, will always feel priviliged to have been there watching it float over in slow motion'"
Yeah that was fantastic, I was at the game but have watchedit on video several times since and remember Alex Murphy saying 'boy did he give that some pago' and it might even be the same game where I think it was Murphy who said 'if he's got a bad leg, I'll have two of them.'

On the subject of best tries, the Hanley one at Wembley v Saints is one of my favourites of all time but far more recently I think that Amos Roberts' try v Wakefield which ended in his injury is one of the best individual tries I have seen in years and I'm not sure about on here but on other forums the quality of the try went largely unnoticed because of the way it ended. This season we have been lucky as fans to see some fantastic team and individual efforts this year some of which are worthy of watching over and over again. If anyone wants reminding of them, Marc on the other forum has been doing a try of the month competition since March and its on the well known video sharing website. In my opinion April in particular was a great month but they're all worth another look. Even if we fail to win a trophy this year, don't get me wrong I'd be disappointed but nobody can say we've not been entertaining or not provided good value for money.