Quote Deano G="Deano G":?:
Can you use the English language properly please?
[iInter[/i-familial sexual relationships would be those between members of different families. That's normal (at least everywhere except possibly in Wolf households!)
[iIntra[/i-familial sexual relationships on the other hand would be those between members of the same family, but since a husband and wife become members of the same family when they marry (and in fact the law recognises unmarried couples as being in the same family for some purposes) then actually this form of intra-familial sexual relationship is probably the most common sexual relationship in the country.
You must express yourself more clearly if you are to overcome some of the unfortunate stereotypes about Wire fans.
yet again using grammer nazi tactics in an attempt to avoid the points that were made, deano coming from warrington but living in the metro of pie, i feel i have a right to an opinion about wigan psycho social behaviour, i know where i'd rather come from!