Quote snowie="snowie":lol:
that's quite funny that because the other day I was told that Richard Wright was in a hot air balloon looking for the development area where the Cas stadium was going to be but he was lost.
He saw a Wakey fan down below so lowered his altitude and shouted 'can you help me'
'I'm looking to find where the Castleford stadium is going but I'm totally lost'.
He replied your in a hot air balloon 15 metres above the floor, you're 40 and 41 degrees north latitude, and 59 and 60 degrees west longitude drifting with a wind at 0.5 metres per second on a heading of 0.36 degrees.
You must be a engineer said Richard,
I am said the Wakey fan, how did you know that.
Well said Richard, everything you have told me is technically correct but I have know idea of what to make of it and I'm still totally lost and don't know where to put this damn stadium, and you've been no help at all and frankly you've delayed our stadium too.
The wakey fan said you must be the leader of the Cas management,
Richard said ' I am how did you know that'
Well you don't know where you are and where your going,
you have risen to where you are due to hot air, made a promise that it looks like you can't keep and you expect people beneath you to solve your problem,
you are exactly in the same position as you were in before we met and some how it will be anyone else's fault but yours'"
Its a bloody shame he new where the planning office was