Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"Why don't you "man-up"?
To accuse any professional RL player of being windy is wrong in the extreme. You may not have accused him of molesting goats, what you did accuse him of was cowardice.
Someone earlier mentioned Steve Evans. I knew Steve personally and while accepting that he was never the most agressive player to take the field, he could still never be accused of being "windy". Similarly, Sammy Lloyd once told me that when Knocker informed him that Hull would be approaching him, he was gobsmacked. When Bunt did speak to him, Sammy told him that if he was looking for a hard-running, hard-tackling 2nd row, then he was barking up the wrong tree. However if he was looking at a wide-running 2nd row, who could kick goals from anywhere on the park (Wembley excepted), then he was the man.
Now, if you are saying that any player in the modern era should just be a tackling machine, who can also bulldoze his way across the line, that's a totally different argument.
Just please don't accuse any player in professional rugby league of being windy because I don't know of any player, past or present, who would agree with your argument.'"
more interesting stories
funny that you would think that former players would not call themselves windy huh??
I have in my close circle of friends two former FC players and one who works for us who would tell you different, but your right Mr friend to the stars huh
