UllFC:JACK DETH:Jake the Peg:
Lots of gnashing of teeth east of the city over their allocation
Understandibly, but this isn't our decision. Looks like the smc(not surprisingly) and hcc have put the boot in.
The amount of them that can't understand this is ridiculous. Mike Ross could walk down Holderness Road with an A Board saying 'I did it' and they'd still be commenting 'FC won't give us tickets' sigh
It’s funny how they use the line FC are simply tenants at City’s ground with no say etc but now all of a sudden FC seem to have the power to over rule the SMC, Council, Police, RFL etc and just doing it to give us an advantage.
I personally think it’s sad that an occasion such as this can’t be enjoyed as it should and many decent fans will miss out.
What the KR fans seem to be missing is this isn’t going to be just a regular run of the mill derby like a league game. Emotions will be running higher than anything we’ve seen in years in what is a knockout do or die game.
The chances of some kind of trouble are sadly pretty high and with the recent history both FC & KR no matter if they both pleaded would make no impact on this decision.
They can bleat all they like about it but this decision has nothing to do with FC and more about a very small section of their fanbase spoiling it for the majority of decent fans.