Quote Terry Monster="Terry Monster"How come he is homegrown?
I thought he was trained down under?
It's a pretty gash ruling from the RFL that players can be exempt from such rules, not just in this case, but any similar case. What's the point having overseas quota's and restrictions if there are ways around them?'"
We got him in when he was young enough im guessing.
As for the rest of it the current rules only apply to players in SL pre feb 2008.
Even then it seems (The RFL had to clarifiy this as their first press release was far from exact on the subject) it only applies to players who would have a right to work here (EU passport) or Kolpac that narrows us down to just Vella (Maltese) and Fisher (Scottish) when those 2 leave or quit we will be down to the same number as everyone else.
Although with all that said there will be a fair few players in SL who fall in the correct situatiuon (Pre feb 08+EU passport/kolpac) who will all recive Fed trained status to keep the numbers higher than they should be.