After watching our win yesterday evening it was pretty obvious for all to see the Kiwi tactics were to 'cause injury' or 'take out' of the game our key players. Dont get me wrong 'taking out' key players is a tactic used by many players/coaches, this is a tough game and if done fairly and within the rules this is not something i have an issue with. I will also admit playing the game hard and rough to intimidate opposition forwards, and even standing toe to toe if required when a player is punched i would condone (i do understand this is not the image the game wants to project), but intent to cause injury is something i cant and as a game we shouldnt accept.
Why when we have the technology at our disposal are we not able to use it for incidents of this nature ? sure you could say where does it end, and at what point do you stop using the video referee (i would have thought for a game that puts the well being of its players as a priority this would be justified -after all in the end any bans will be decided with use of video evidence).
Both Sam Tomkins, Rangi Chase and for me maybe to a lesser extent Jack Reed also were subjected to 'foul and dangerous' play in this game. What benefit to England in putting incidents on report, even more so when television viewers were all able to hear the referees comments to the players as to why these incidents were to be put on report in the first place - the referee and touch judges knew exactly what transpired in these incidents and what the intentions were and chose the easy/cowardly route out of making decisions they are paid as proffesionals to make.
I suppose in the end we can only be thankfull Tomkins did not end up with a broken jaw or cheekbone due to having a UFC elbow drop by Smith and Chase didnt end up with a broken leg or serious ligament damage due to the twisting of the leg after the tackle was completed by Luke (also noted the same dirty little who almost caused a serious leg injury to Shillington in the Kiwi/Aus game in the same tournement).
Surely it is time to have a re think on the use of video evidence on a situation you are going to put on report prior to doing so for the good of the player and the team who suffer the injustice.
As for the Kiwi's and there coach

Marshall is much more effective when playing his game rather than trying so hard to get other players to bite, Smith should not play for a long while for use of the elbow and Luke

as he has show in this competition alone attempting causing injury to fellow players is obviously part of his game (coached i doubt - personal choice likely). In the end you got what you deserved

over to to panel !