=#FF0000[size=150Date - Saturday 20th November
Venue - Spring View Cricket Club,Warrington Road, Spring View
Time - 7-45pm Till Late (The actual words were "If you keep drinking, we'll keep serving!")
Tickets - £3 Adults & £2 Kids (Which includes a Free Curry/Veg Lasagne/Rogues Hot Pot & Hot Dogs for Kids)[/size
We are pleased to [u
unofficially[/u announce that Tickets are now on sale for the Flag Meeting 1st anniversary Swaree'!
Tickets are limited and we have approx 120 for sale and I have a waiting list of 35 already who want to buy.
On the evening as well as a Disco and Food there will also be a number of Rugby related events going on inc :-
=#FF0000Raffles & Stand up Bingo -Win Wigan RL Related prizes
=#FF0000Auction of Wigan Players Match Worn Merchandise (Inc Shorts/socks Worn by players such as Stuart Fielden/Andy Coley/Joel Tomkins/Sam T in the Grand Final!)
=#FF0000Auction of Players Shirts - Signed by players such as Mark "Piggy" Riddell
=#FF0000RL Quiz - Prizes to the Winners Adult & Junior
=#FF0000Wigan RL Games on DVD Throughout the Evening
=#FF0000Wigan RL Ultra's Merchandise - Your chance to be one of the 1st x 100 to own a Limited edition "Ultra's Pin Badge".
The Main Attraction
=#FF0000"The Engage Super League Trophy" - [/sizeYour chance to have your photo taken with Trophy We've all waited so Long to get our hands on!
Now the event is obviously a fund raiser for the Wigan Flag Fund so we hope to make a little but of money on the evening through the Raffles & Auctions but rest easy we won't be Plundering your pockets too deep unless you Really want to splash out on the Auction.
All Events, Raffle/Bingo/Quiz Will only be around the £1 a Ticket Mark and the Badges will be on sale at around £3 each.
The opportunity to have your Picture taken with the Trophy will cost around £3 per 7x5 photo and the Pictures will be Printed on the Evening for you to Take Home (Other sizes may be available & Group Photos for a Small extra charge).
There very well may be other attractions on the evening and will be announced in due course as well as the unveiling of some of the New Flags for Next season.
The Most Important thing is that all the Unofficial Members of the Unofficial Flag Team would like as Many people as possible to get down there, support the event and come and join in with what We're sure will be a Great Event!
Tickets will be available from Numerous sources i.e Board members from here - But for Now if anyone is interested please PM myself and I will arrange to drop off/send out wherever possible!
As stated above demand is going to be great so please Hurry up and Get your tickets to the Hottest RL Event Happening (That Night In Wigan - We Think!).