Quote PopTart="PopTart"We are a quantum leap on from where we were on social media a couple of months ago. Give them chance. I'm sure they'll get to the Website.'"
I never said I wasn’t giving them a chance PT. I’m pleased so far but I see more that can be done as I’m sure Ellis will have plans for.
In some respects we are better than where we were but recent posts have been what I call low quality on the Facebook platform (just picture of fixtures from the list released mainly). Quantum leap is a stretch though. Seems some of our fans are easily pleased (understandable of course with optimism being a dry well recent years) and riding the new takeover wave still which is fine and good for them.
There’s been a good improvement on the YouTube but there is so very much more that can be done with that and the website. As I said, the initial surge of subscriptions has now almost hit its cap. This was done by large through the fans pushing the YouTube channel other than a couple of token FB posts from the official fb club page.
The hard work for the media team starts now and the next stage I would imagine will now start. This is engaging new subscriptions outside the core and linking in with other communities, local businesses and providing more entertainment along with the interviews to really build the brand and social profile of the club. I said before I will give them time. There has been an in improvements but that wasn’t hard considering the very low benchmark we started from.
I’m happy but I would like to see more come January when pre season is properly underway.